Workout Playlist

Today I saw this commercial for an app called rhapsody, and basically what it does is you enter some songs you like, and it tells you similar songs you might like. I was like ‘cool! I’m downloading this!’ because I desperately needed to hit the gym and needed a new playlist to keep me motivated while working out. But then I saw the $10 a month small print. WHAT?!?! A list of songs for ten bucks a MONTH?!? So to all my blogging buddies, I’m here to share my power workout playlist and save ya some dough and help you push it.

1. Sexy Chick (great motivator, and makes me feel really toned and hot when I work out…)
3.Like a G6
4. Impossible
5. Titanium
6.Right Round
7.My First Kiss
10. Where Them Girls At
11.International Love

Some of these are older, but still great to get your blood pumping. And if your workout lasts longer than this playlist lasts, you obviously don’t need music to motivate your workout like I do . 🙂 Good luck with your workout!Let me know if theres any songs you want to add.

Workout Playlist

Today I saw this commercial for an app called rhapsody, and basically what it does is you enter some songs you like, and it tells you similar songs you might like. I was like ‘cool! I’m downloading this!’ because I desperately needed to hit the gym and needed a new playlist. But then I saw the $10 a month small print. WHAT?!?! A list of songs for ten bucks a MONTH?!? So to all my blogging buddies, I’m here to share my power workout playlist and save ya some dough and help you push it.

1. Sexy Chick (great motivator, and makes me feel really toned and hot when I work out…)
3.Like a G6
4. Impossible
5. Titanium
6.Right Round
7.My First Kiss
10. Where Them Girls At
11.International Love

Some of these are older, but still great to get your blood pumping. And if your workout lasts longer than this playlist lasts, you obviously don’t need music to motivate your workout like I do . 🙂 Good luck with your workout!Let me know if theres any songs you want to add.

Cookie Talk

I know it isn’t quite July, but close enough. I assume you have planned out your 4th of July menu? No? Well, dessert is now decided. It’s easy, delicious, and a bit surprising: gingerbread ice cream sandwiches.

Gingerbread need not be reserved for just Christmas.  But no one really wants a rich, spicy cake when it is 100 degrees out. Gingerbread just seems way too heavy all by its lonesome. But freeze it and add some ice cream? Well, that is a whole different ball game.

This treat is fast and easy to make. You do have to turn your oven on, but only for 30 minutes, tops, including preheating.  It doesn’t have to be perfect (I think it looks better if it is not), can be cut to any size you want, and you can even use whatever ice cream you want. Although I think vanilla is best, but…

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The defeated blogger

Hello you! 😉 
I’ve come to WordPress because I have tried my hand at other blogs and failed quite miserably…. So why not give this WordPress thingy a shot? I am no longer expecting to be the next featured blogger on here for the most original posts and my amazing wit, haha,(not flattering myself here at all … 😉 ) so I guess now I’ll have to use this blog for what it’s ACTUALLY supposed to be for…”connecting” and “interacting” with people and all that crap. 🙂 Lets unite fellow failed bloggers!!! So I guess I’ll,like,um, name some stuff I like and if we’ve got anything in common feel free to drop me a line!
2.the beach
3.The Hunger Games (Team Peeta!)😍
5.the Internet 
-the paper home girl